Michele Lanza

Design 101 Redux

In this tutorial attendees learn to recognize and appreciate a series of universal design principles that can be used for several tasks, such as enhancing the way a design (any design!) is perceived, help people learning from a design, increase the usability and appeal of a design, and ultimately make better design decisions to create new and to ameliorate existing designs. The principles are put into practice in a series of hands-on contexts, such as chart design, table design, document design, presentation design, etc. Prerequisites are a functioning brain and a healthy dose of curiosity.

Speaker's Bio
Michele Lanza is full professor, dean, and co-founder of the faculty of informatics at the University of Lugano, Switzerland, where he leads the REVEAL research group since 2004. He co-authored 150+ journal and conference publications and the book Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice. He received the 2003 Ernst Denert Award for best PhD thesis in Software Engineering. In 2007 and 2009 he received the Credit Suisse Award for best teaching. His activities span various software engineering research communities. He served on the program committees of ICSE, FSE, ICSME, ICPC, MSR, etc., and as program co-chair of SANER 2016, ICSM 2010, VISSOFT 2009, MSR 2008, IWPSE 2007, and MSR 2007. He was several times keynote speaker.
